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yeldarb 4 daysReload
Love the concept.

I've used (similar "Airbnb for GPUs" pitch) for years to spin up cheap test machines with GPUs you can't really find in the cloud (and especially consumer-grade GPUs like 4090s). Any insight into how this is different/better?

yeldarb 5 daysReload
Found this really cool; I didn’t even know Deepmind was working on Fusion research

yeldarb 5 daysReload
Google DeepMind at ICLR 2024

yeldarb 6 daysReload
> Also if this sort of data optimization stuff actually does add new laws of physics, that seems weird, right? I guess maybe we’re just a game. But if the super-alien things are trying to study something, then these extra laws of physics would seem to be defects.

Unless the creators of the simulation have also derived that they, too, are in a simulation and so this “new” law of physics also holds in the one level up simulation.

yeldarb 7 daysReload
TORAX is a differentiable tokamak core transport simulator