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throw0101c 13 hoursReload
> You want to be able to edit or delete content, either your own, or, if you are a moderator, other content which turned out to be illegal later (which already implies content moderation before allowing content to be published).

Or you accept the fact that what you write is a permanent record. (Local admins can delete messages from their servers if there is a problem with the content.)

That being said, there are Control messages (RFC 5536 § 3.2.3), and one of the things that they can do is cancel an article (RFC 5537 § 5.3). You'd probably want to authenticate the cancel messages of course:



Worth noting that you can't force servers to honour the cancel messages and delete the article on their local storage.

throw0101c 1 daysReload
Japan: The land that doesn't need Ozempic

throw0101c 3 daysReload
> This is a port of OpenBSD's OpenSSH to most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, OS X and Cygwin. Portable OpenSSH polyfills OpenBSD APIs that are not available elsewhere, adds sshd sandboxing for more operating systems and includes support for OS-native authentication and auditing (e.g. using PAM).


Perhaps see specifically the "openbsd-compat" directory, otherwise I think the source tree is very close the the 'OpenBSD version':


throw0101c 3 daysReload
> More aggressive approaches have also been researched, where the pruning is driven by dynamic analysis, and applied using binary rewriting.

Any place(s) one can read more about this research?