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swores 4 hoursReload
(I'm not the person who commented before, but) I don't personally know much about the sulfur situation, and your comment plus another user's have made me decide to read up on it later today to learn more.

Since your first comment showed a complete lack of understanding / belief of misinformation about climate change, I would suggest making an effort to learn about it yourself rather than deciding to be happy not understanding and dismissing those who are well informed as just having different views on the world.

swores 5 hoursReload

swores 19 hoursReload
I know sarcasm can be an effective way of making a point, but on a global forum where plenty of people are likely to not have a clue what unions do or don't exist in Europe (not to mention most Europeans won't know much if anything about unions in European countries other than their own) it's worth not being sarcastic so that your comment can be understood by more than just the people who already know what you're saying.

swores 19 hoursReload
And the trend of increasing car sizes means increasing mass means increasing damage to roads :/

swores 19 hoursReload
I wonder (and maybe someone here will know) whether that means they were foolishly cutting corners and should have sampled further than 100ft down, or if what they did was considered best practise and they were just unlucky to find themselves in a freak situation?