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sundarurfriend 17 hoursReload
Steam engines, Motors, AI? – Large tech transitions are slow

sundarurfriend 17 hoursReload
The Cosmos Teems with Complex Organic Molecules

sundarurfriend 3 daysReload
USCC recommends a Manhattan Project for AGI, claiming race against China

sundarurfriend 5 daysReload
Meta fined Rs 213 crore (US$25M) over WhatsApp privacy policy

sundarurfriend 5 daysReload
Avoiding this is what made hCaptcha popular among a lot of users in the first place. reCaptcha has always been guilty of this, and it doesn't seem like they're taking any steps to improve this US-centred definition of humanity. hCaptcha gave much more general and neutral puzzles that made a lot of people (including me) give a sigh of relief when they encountered a CAPTCHA and it was h and not re.