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sschueller 5 daysReload
My only hope for the EU government is that they put and AI in charge and it accidentally becomes sentient...

sschueller 5 daysReload
This is that stupid deferred procession 'law' isn't it? [1] Why even have laws? They seem to only matter for the poor and too small to save.

Have we reached peak corruption yet? I sadly don't think so.


sschueller 5 daysReload
We are all so majorly f*d.

The general public does not know nor understand this limitation. At the same time OpenAI is selling this a a tutor for your kids. Next it will be used to test those same kids.

Who is going to prevent this from being used to pick military targets (EU law has an exemption for military of course) or make surgery decisions?

sschueller 7 daysReload
and who runs ? the FSB or CIA?

sschueller 7 daysReload
I don't trust either side and having a cryptography expert located in Baltimore, MD trying to prove that the other side is wrong seems just as off as a Russian owner trying to prove the opposite.

In the end it doesn't matter if you are using a smart phone from Apple or Google as your soft-keyboard is such an easy target there is no need to decrypt anything.