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smartmic 10 hoursReload
Remmina – Remote access screen and file sharing to desktop

smartmic 22 hoursReload
Thanks, that is a good idea. I also prefer GNU Make for automatization if the number, diversity or dependencies of the tasks would exceed the benefits of a simple bash script.

I stumbled over this statement in your README:

> It is recommended to use .PHONY for targets that are not actual files. In the example below I am not doing that though, but it is wise to follow that rule.

Please also give the example as you think it would be correct. Or write the understandable reason why you don't do it here. I think many people don't read the text between the code snippets but only scan the code examples. It would be helpful to find the ‘best practices’ right there.

smartmic 3 daysReload
I just switched to exwm and I'm curious if the article will teach me some tricks which might be useful there. My initial experience is good but it is still a bit rough around the edges. In other words, I have not yet found my best configuration and workflows.

smartmic 6 daysReload
MNT Reform review: brutalist hardware, familiar software

smartmic 6 daysReload
Not mentioned in the article, but good to know: Lil is the scripting language of Decker, which itself is a fantastic reincarnation of Hypercard with 1-bit graphics.