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sgbeal 1 daysReload
> Board game geeks do this often. They have seen so many games before that they learned to identify patterns in the rules and they learned names for those patterns.

Funnily, enough: <>

You'll find "trick-taking" in that list.

sgbeal 2 daysReload
> If you blink and miss something, hunting around a video is much worse than scanning a rulebook.

Not only that, but very nearly every one of them has rules errors. There is exactly one YouTuber (from Watch It Played) who consistently puts out rules-error-free videos. Any and all other video playthroughs, i take with a huge grain of salt.

sgbeal 2 daysReload
Every board game rulebook is awful [pdf]

sgbeal 25 daysReload
> And if you care about data integrity, you shouldn't be using these [ext4 or XFS]

FUD. i've been using ext4 since it came out (and ext2 and ext3 before that), on dozens of computers, and have literally never once had any corruption with it. With XFS i had one instance of filesystem corruption way back in the early 2000's. i've read of _many_ more cases of data loss with ZFS and Btrfs on Linux than i have read about due to ext4 corruption.

sgbeal 39 daysReload
> Sounds like we should all just be doing sqlite3 /dev/sda2

A recent forum post on that topic: <>