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rumad 3 daysReload
Is the city concept wrong with human nature? Vertical vs. horizontal scaling

rumad 16 daysReload
I also love to use and prefer native apps. But, in my case, I had to offer Google Docs to my dad. Because he wanted to transfer his doc file to his work computer to continue to work on it when he is at the office. So, I thought a web app might be good for him.

rumad 16 daysReload
The doc file has images, and some simple tables but mostly texts.

rumad 16 daysReload
My dad didn't want to pay for the Office. I might ended my story badly. Sorry about that. But, I don't agree with that the SaaS is not related. It is. API optimization is also important and it can directly affect the performance of web apps and even native apps.

Update: I updated the article.

rumad 16 daysReload
Looks awesome. You should also provide API in the future. It could be great for developers. Good luck with launch.