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roboboffin 16 hoursReload
AlphaQubit: AI to identify errors in Quantum Computers

roboboffin 22 daysReload
The Geometry of Concepts: Sparse Autoencoder Feature Structure

roboboffin 48 daysReload
I understand your point. I apologise, if I am coming across pendantic.

My point is computers already follow algorithms, and algorithms contain reasoning; but the computers are not reasoning themselves. At least, not yet!

roboboffin 48 daysReload
It’s not reasoning, it retrieval of a pattern, and that pattern may contain reasoning.

The prompt engineering is the real reasoning, provided by the human.

roboboffin 48 daysReload
For example, papers like this call into question whether or not a LLM can plan:

This is a basic form of reasoning, to plan out the steps needed to execute something.