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pil0u 18 hoursReload
Sound and Hearing

pil0u 6 daysReload
Ask HN: Tools or frameworks to build music theory games
My music theory teacher has built from scratch, without much coding knowledge, an Electron app with games. Example of games are: guess the 2-3 notes randomly played by the piano, find the intervals etc. Those are multiple choice games mostly.

He is now on a journey to build games that interact with notes on scores, like colorize all the Cs, click on the notes that are wrong vs what you hear etc.

He is building everything from scratch, with the scores, the notes, and I'm wondering if there are some tools or libraries out there that provide much flexibility to build stuff for music theory.

pil0u 8 daysReload
Am I the only one feeling weird about the image they chose to illustrate the article? I'm not a professional in that field but I would probably feel offended if coding assistants were presented with a monkey in front of a computer.

pil0u 20 daysReload
Not personally, my company was. Why?

pil0u 20 daysReload
You could add context to DeepL as well as easily, with the "context" parameter of the translation.