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pdyc 1 daysReload
u r on right track with llm, just tell it that you will give input file and set of start, end times and that it should generate the command for u. As a bonus ask it to give u the example as well so that it doesn't misunderstands! i think even chatgpt mini should be able to do it.

pdyc 1 daysReload
no thoughts but seems like a headache cleaning up code and maintaining it. i will think about it this weekend.

pdyc 1 daysReload
u can do it with this command, it will just copy audio and video

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -to 0:30:00 -c:v copy -c:a copy chapter1.mkv

u can just copy paste it 10 times in your text editor, than adjust ss, to times using any video player that can play vhs file.

pdyc 2 daysReload
Added support for audio as well both for adding audio files and playback of audio within video in preview. Now the app size is whooping 350KB.

pdyc 2 daysReload
thanks for the feedback. Sure, will add some cool themes to it similar to my other free product