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pdeva1 12 hoursReload
S3 Express Append has issues

pdeva1 50 daysReload
this algorithm is flawed. i created a test which can read failed write

pdeva1 423 daysReload
2. ok. so can i rebuild a cluster with just state in s3? eg: i create a cluster with local disks and s3 backing. entire cluster gets deleted. if i recreate cluster and point to same s3 bucket, will it restore its state?

pdeva1 424 daysReload
1. can this be used without clickhouse as just a zookeeper replacement? 2. am i correct in that its using s3 as disk? so can it be run as stateless pods in k8s? 3. if it uses s3, how are latency and costs of PUTs affected? does every write result in a PUT call to s3?

pdeva1 474 daysReload
1. what payload size and flush interval is that latency measured against?