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nrabulinski 8 daysReload
And the software authors made it clear that those features, even if compiled in, are disabled by default and the code never executes.

nrabulinski 8 daysReload
If you’re getting paid you’re by definition not a volunteer. You may be getting some perks like volunteering at a convention giving you an entry pass for that convention, but as soon as you’re getting some other gains, be it monetary or not, you’re no longer a volunteer.

nrabulinski 9 daysReload
While videoconferencing does take some resources, the fact of the matter is both zoom and teams are poorly written web apps packaged into “desktop applications” and that’s where most of the utilization is coming from

nrabulinski 14 daysReload
Pair Your Compilers at the ABI Café

nrabulinski 14 daysReload
If we’re going by giant enterprise standards then Windows XP is the latest version of windows