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ndiddy 6 hoursReload
The problem there is that the amount of time being wasted is asymmetrical since the employer isn't present, so the typical experience from the candidate's perspective is spending an evening working on a project and then getting no feedback and a canned rejection letter.

ndiddy 2 daysReload
I think it's unacceptable that a third-party driver is necessary to record system audio on Mac. Both Windows and Linux have been able to natively record system audio for at least 20 years now. I consider it a basic required feature for something like screencasting.

ndiddy 7 daysReload
My POV is it's a GNOME issue. If GNOME doesn't want to comply with the FDO icon standard, they shouldn't include metadata that allows Adwaita to be registered as an icon theme.

ndiddy 8 daysReload
Linux Mint Looks to Fork More Gnome Software, Make XApp More Independent

ndiddy 10 daysReload
Any Z80 based (not eZ80) TI calculators on the market today have the Z80 core built into an ASIC instead of a discrete chip, meaning that they wouldn’t be impacted by parts availability.