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mdaniel 2 hoursReload
You mean the rugpull-stack? "Pray we do not alter the deal further when the investors really grumble"

As for Kamal, I shudder to think of the hubris required to say "pfft, haproxy is for lamez, how hard can it be to make my own lb?!"

mdaniel 3 hoursReload
You may want to see if there's an existing bugzilla for it, so you can track its progress, or the less ... bugzilla-y ... way may be to ask in their Discourse

mdaniel 14 hoursReload
I'm a Linuxbrew user, too, even on top of normal Ubuntu distros because (a) the rapid release cycle you mentioned (b) because so much of my workflow is built on top of Homebrew it was natural for me to just continue using it when I used Ubuntu at work

I will also confess(?) that I run it in "unsupported mode"[1] because (a) I often need to fix bugs in the software and tweaking ${whatever}.rb and $(brew reinstall -s -v $whatever) makes that painless (b) I keep my actual $(brew repo) pretty dirty, too, to cure a lot of stupidity introduced by running it in unsupported mode :-D I actually would guess some of the patches would be valuable to the wider community but I lump Homebrew and Elastic into the "I don't have enough emotional energy to survive their PR process" camps

1: I don't have the finger-wagging link handy, but McQuaid used to really get bent out of shape about people running --build-from-source; it seems they've changed their mind

mdaniel 15 hoursReload
For one thing, it has no license that would enable other people to use it, especially in corporate environments that are sensitive to legal liability

I don't have experience with Deno specifically, but anytime I see node or typescript things I associate that with having an unlimited number of node_modules directories littering my filesystem consuming unlimited amounts of disk space each. How does rad behave in that regard?

Also, languages with implied imports drive me batshit:

mdaniel 15 hoursReload
Better isn't just one dimension but I've repeatedly heard that OO is a damn dumpster fire for loading untrusted content: vs

Them both being written in a memory unsafe language[1][2] isn't helping matters

Also, while digging up those links I noticed the last release of OO was in Dec 2023 which is a lot of time for all the components they bundle to acquire vulns. But at least they're consistent about it since the release before that was in Feb 2023

