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mappu 5 daysReload
The default FLTK look and feel might be discouraging, but there are some really great native themes shipped for the Rust bindings:

mappu 6 daysReload
FLTK 1.4 Released

mappu 8 daysReload
Depending on your content, switching from `-preset veryfast` to `veryslow` could let you drop the bitrate by as much as 20-30% at the same visual quality. Your users will thank you for it,

mappu 9 daysReload
Great question! That was actually covered in the link I posted.

Compared to PyInstaller, it doesn't dump any temporary files on disk.

Compared to Nuitka, it uses the real CPython, not a different implementation.

mappu 9 daysReload
Pex and Shiv both require the end user to have Python installed, so I think PyOxidizer is the best tool in this category: