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lrm29 20 hoursReload
PuppyGit: Git Client for Android

lrm29 450 daysReload
Is that something you've reported to them? How do they handle such requests?

lrm29 450 daysReload
I've built a UI on top of libgit2 and I wish that this blog post expanded on which new features are missing (sparse checkout?).

To quote: "The migration to Git Executable will allow us to resolve long-standing issues with GitKraken Client, such as poor LFS performance, SSH configuration support and many other features/performance improvements."

I agree on LFS performance on Windows. SSH config support is a pain due to libssh2 but openssh support is on the way (

There are many cons to using the Git executable itself (parsing output, error reporting, version handling). Seems to me that there's more to this?

lrm29 450 daysReload
GitKraken Client Is Migrating from Libgit2 to the Git Executable