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> (…)
> Before you ask, no, I did not include Ruby, PHP or any other of the "slow" languages in this benchmark, simply because I don't currently use any of these languages and I wouldn't start using them even if they showed great results on a benchmark.
Why bother with benchmarks, then? Clearly you don’t care for them and just want to continue using Python because that’s what you’re familiar with and like. That’s fine, it’s your prerogative, you don’t have to justify that choice to anyone who doesn’t have the same priorities you do.
Personally I dislike Python and find it to be far from “the fastest to write, cleanest, more maintainable programming language” and I wouldn’t want to use it even if its performance were amazing. But that doesn’t matter, if we all liked the same things we wouldn’t have so many programming languages. Or operating systems. Or brands of sneakers. Or…
When I run benchmarks, I do so in real use cases, to test different algorithms for a task that will be in production.
> no one can use any object in such a climate, because they'd die.
By the way, I know you can survive that heat because I did. No air conditioner. It was excruciating and I don’t wish it upon anyone. Well, maybe on climate change deniers, it would probably do them some good to suffer through it to believe the science. They probably wouldn’t but at least they wouldn’t be able to move to make it worse, either.
Frankly yours seems like a spam account, only posting your own stuff, and the copy on this website is atrocious. It’s long-winded and most meaningless babble. Everyone looking for an HTML to Markdown converter knows what they want it, the listed reasons are bullshit fluff.