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kscarlet 17 hoursReload
Neomacs: Structural Lisp IDE/browser/computing environment

kscarlet 487 daysReload
Just want to point out that post itself is very minimally hyperlinked. Am I "that guy"? XD

kscarlet 549 daysReload
Yes I use it daily.

I never squared the circle of modal editing and use mostly vanilla Emacs bindings (and paredit) :)

Would love to hear feedback from evil-mode user. Just in case I port it to vim in the future.

kscarlet 549 daysReload
Thanks for the pointer to lish! I didn't know it had all that, I know it exists but was intimated by its non-standard packaging...

I decided to not go too far on the structured/object shell route for Unix in Lisp, instead trying to get existing Unix utilities to work as seamlessly as possible first. But maybe in the future I could integrate some work from lish. That's lots of impressive work under yew/los and yew/tools!

kscarlet 549 daysReload
Author here! I've considered this before, but there are problems such as what does a single atom mean: Does run or returns the content of

I am a heavy Lisper myself so I end up choosing consistency over one less keystroke (I have paredit, so the difference between (ls) vs ls is just one keystroke), but I could be biased.