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kentonv 3 daysReload
They don't. The symbol is NET. But I think Twitter lets you use $ as an alternative to # (hashtag), and people use it specifically in front of stock symbols, and now it's becoming customary to prefix stock symbols with $ everywhere.

kentonv 4 daysReload
> it feels like it's essentially Cloudflare employees improving Cap'n Proto for Cloudflare.

That's correct. At present, it is not anyone's objective to make Cap'n Proto appeal to a mass market. Instead, we maintain it for our specific use cases in Cloudflare. Hopefully it's useful to others too, but if you choose to use it, you should expect that if any changes are needed for your use case, you will have to make those changes yourself. I certainly understand why most people would shy away from that.

With that said, gRPC is arguably weird in its own way. I think most people assume that gRPC is what Google is built on, therefore it must be good. But it actually isn't -- internally, Google uses Stubby. gRPC is inspired by Stubby, but very different in implementation. So, who exactly is gRPC's target audience? What makes Google feel it's worthwhile to have 40ish(?) people working on an open source project that they don't actually use much themselves? Honest questions -- I don't know the answer, but I'd like to.

(FWIW, the story is a bit different with Protobuf. The Protobuf code is the same code Google uses internally.)

(I am the author of Cap'n Proto and also was the one who open sourced Protobuf originally at Google.)

kentonv 4 daysReload
Well I certainly do get stressed sometimes (particularly when cat-herding at work) but overall really can't complain!

BTW it's not a renovation, we build the house from scratch on an empty lot. :)

kentonv 4 daysReload
I have a wireless keyboard nearby that I used to select songs.

Yeah I have never used the bar. Probably because I learned to play at home, starting on a basic foam pad, and so obviously didn't have the bar available.

kentonv 4 daysReload
Thanks from me as well, I am in fact going to get one of these and if I like it, equip all the stations with them!