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kaycebasques 2 daysReload
Waymo is making 50K paid trips per week

kaycebasques 7 daysReload
> This feels a lot like Google Docs's commenting system

This was my first impression as well. The summary tree of replies to a thread seems like a possible improvement over Google Docs but the basic interaction workflow seems the same as Google Docs.

Perhaps there is more innovation to be had by looking at the various specs for webpage annotation systems that have been proposed over the years?

kaycebasques 11 daysReload
David Kim has left Carta

kaycebasques 11 daysReload
Skimmed the article, didn't see this important bit mentioned: I'm pretty sure the OS is available through rpi-imager, meaning it's trivial to set up on an RPi and presumably has some notion of official endorsement from RPi org.

kaycebasques 15 daysReload