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kangmh 12 daysReload
Not support it currently. However, a single markdown file can be treated as one block. Therefore, all the clues are ready in nb-crdt and nb-editor. One tricky part is the frequent replacement and conflicts of files for file-based synchronization. There may be significant differences between file systems. Anyway, I think it could achieve eventual consistency by automatically generating folders like xxx.mds in the same path to manage it.

kangmh 12 daysReload
Yeah. Because it's based on just files, you can work across multiple platforms using shared folders like iCloud storage. However, for merging during simultaneous edits, each note is composed of multiple JSON files and folders.

kangmh 12 daysReload
1. React for the frontend. 2. CRDT was essential for device-to-device encryption, and I wanted a fully customizable block editor. So, creating it myself was the only option.

kangmh 12 daysReload
"The most recent change will be reflected on the page" implies overwriting, so different opinions may arise depending on the perspective. Anyway, Notion is addressing the shortcomings of overwriting with features like history.

kangmh 12 daysReload
File search is possible with the "/" key, but what you're referring to is searching within notes, right? For cross-device capability, currently, it's possible using shared folders. If there's a significant number of stars, considering adding these features might be worthwhile!