Immediately after switching the page, it will work with CSR.
Please reload your browser to see how it works.
Looks like MailCatcher fixed the Arm issue – maybe we will switch back.
But you need a plugin (or run some javascript). I am trying to get a Safari Extension through the App Store... but that is taking some time.
(function() {
var defaultMatch = "For you";
function fixYou() {
let firstSelected = document.querySelectorAll('[href="/home"][aria-selected="true"]')[0];
let text = firstSelected.textContent;
if(text == defaultMatch){
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { fixYou() });
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
window.addEventListener('load', () => { fixYou(); });
This is the code to do it, if you want to roll your own.
Once it is gone Twitter becomes usable again – you only see who you follow and ads. Otherwise it is a really awful experience.