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jrpelkonen 6 daysReload
Maybe I’m missing a joke here but to me “godbolt is a real person” seems way out of place. Compiler Explorer is a great contribution to the community and he gives informative and humorous presentations. I would like to know why he got dragged into this list.

jrpelkonen 6 daysReload
Async Rust Complexity

jrpelkonen 7 daysReload
Others have already addressed the impossibility of exhausting the system entropy pool, however, I would add that you can buffer Read() to amortize the cost of the syscall.

Also, make sure that your patch does not introduce a secure vulnerability as math/rand output is not suitable for anything security related.

jrpelkonen 14 daysReload
I hope that one positive development from this saga will be that open source users do not want to been as the next Jugar Kumar and choose to act less entitled and demanding towards maintainers.

jrpelkonen 16 daysReload
Monorepos: Please Don't (2019)