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joeig 14 daysReload
Largest model railway launches inductive Formula 1 circuit [video]

joeig 54 daysReload
Gaudí built a small school right next to the Sagrada Família. It was dedicated to the children of the workers, mostly from underprivileged classes.

Barcelona is full of obvious and hidden examples of Gaudí‘s humanity.

joeig 81 daysReload
At the moment there is still a one-time order fee for dedicated servers and the docs don’t clarify if it will remain.

joeig 95 daysReload
I think it helps to speak the same „language“ as the manager. Add price tags to the infrastructure development or technical debt. This may add an important perspective to the discussion for both sides.

joeig 140 daysReload
Slightly related: If you're self-hosting your email, you can use autoconfiguration[1] and autodiscover[2] to help your users set up Thunderbird and Outlook correctly.

