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itronitron 1 hoursReload
Here is a related article from a UK perspective:

itronitron 2 hoursReload
And yet the photo in the article shows piano teeth markings before the shark teeth, which indicates a level change for the car. In that case I would assume that cars are required to yield to pedestrians crossing the side street even though the sidewalk surface is not continuous.

itronitron 2 hoursReload
Can someone explain this, the italicized part below, in more detail?

>> When you approach from the side street, as a driver, the order of dealing with other traffic is different, but the priority is similar. First you will notice a speed bump. The complete intersection is on a raised table. Pedestrians would not have priority if the street was level, but now that it isn’t the “exit construction” rule could apply and in that case a crossing pedestrian would have priority. But for that rule to apply the footway should be continuous, and that is not the case here.

itronitron 4 hoursReload
A common urban intersection in the Netherlands (2018)

itronitron 14 hoursReload
>> pay their tuition with a summer job, like they could when our elders went to school.

or like it is currently for EU citizens in any EU country. Americans are getting ripped off from all sides.