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hakmem 3 daysReload
You can see both triples are contained in one binary tree using the big diagram in section 3. The triple [3 4 5] has the "path" RR. The triple [4 3 5] the path R.

hakmem 3 daysReload
Yes, this is normal. I am sorry, I am working on a more efficient implementation.

The JavaScript of this page does a lot of number crunching.

It is actually doing arithmetic on the Stern-Brocot tree. It is all written in ClojureScript and not really optimized yet. I mention in the paper that I do not even use TCO.

Anyway, thank you - and all the people here - for the kind words! I am so happy that my article was so well received today.

hakmem 3 daysReload
A binary tree of all Pythagorean triples

hakmem 76 daysReload
Emacs won.

hakmem 469 daysReload
Until July 17 we only knew the first five numbers of the sequence Now we know 6.

"Using hundreds of GPUs at cloud resource rental services, it took about six months to complete the counting"

Great work by Prof emeritus Hidetoshi Mino. He's inviting interested people to check for errors.