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hackerlight 3 hoursReload
Self-control fluctuates with tiredness level and mood. You want to build systems to protect yourself when those things dip and you're not thinking properly, by adding some artificial friction.

hackerlight 7 hoursReload
Private capital doesn't get allocated based on omniscience of future outcomes. It's about approximations of risk to reward in an environment of uncertainty. If you add risk or reduce reward of biotech, you get less private capital in biotech. Investors will allocate in other sectors with better risk to reward.

hackerlight 8 hoursReload
An alternative is to add URLs to /etc/hosts like this to block them:

Then use ublock origin extension to pare down features on sites you still visit, and an RSS reader app to slow down media consumption.

hackerlight 8 hoursReload
> 'We are only going to make $5billion instead of $15 billion, let's not bother with that one.'

Well, yes. If there's a 10% chance of success, these differences matter. Decision making happens at the margin.

hackerlight 9 hoursReload
The status quo (obesity) is extremely dangerous, so whatever potential danger you're thinking may exist would have to exceed that.