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gyf304 14 daysReload
This is an awesome solution.

I have the 5-bay variant of the same NAS. I decided to put TrueNAS Scale on it using a Samsung USB stick using the internal USB. I chose one that’s widely used for Tesla dashcam, so I know it is at least somewhat durable.

I’m happy with it so far. I still find the CPU performance very lacking so I’m planning on upgrading to something beefier.

gyf304 15 daysReload
This is a very neat project that seems to accomplish the same goal and have some extra features.

gyf304 15 daysReload
* Memory allocation NULL check: this is a bona-fide bug introduced by my refactoring

* MAX_FILE_SIZE: I don't think this is true.

* skip_until_charset, skip_charset bound check bug: I don't think this is true

* Uninitialized value_end: I don't think this is true - and if true should be caught by -Wall -Werror flags.

* argc < 1 check not being necessary: This is not true, you can make argc == 0 by using the exec family of libc functions.

* Error Handling: Currently all parsing errors should cause the program to exit, which I think is the desired behavior.

* Unsanitized input for .env: Intended behavior.

* Unsanitized input for execvp: Intended behavior.

gyf304 15 daysReload
Show HN: Dotenv, if it is a Unix utility
I like the idea of using dotenv files, but I dislike having to use different language-specific libraries to read them.

To solve this, I created a small utility that lets you prefix any command with "dotenv" to load the ".env" file.

This is how I imagine dotenv would work if it had started as a UNIX utility rather than a Node.js library.

gyf304 141 daysReload
The reason I think is that GM is multinational. And while Buick is not doing well in the US, it’s doing very well in China (80%+ of sales of the brand is in China).