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gudzpoz 3 daysReload
Code Conversion Language (2019)

gudzpoz 50 daysReload
Mem Reduct: Monitor and clean system memory on Windows

gudzpoz 73 daysReload
Defusedxml – defusing XML bombs and other exploits

gudzpoz 104 daysReload
> Emojis are terrible

Not just emojis. Recently I've had some fun trying weird Unicode characters in different terminals (e.g. 𒐫):

- QTerminal/Konsole: Tofu

- Xfce terminal: Results in overlaps with characters that comes after it.

- Alacritty: Similar to Xfce terminal, but glitches when the cursor/glyph moves.

- COSMIC term: No overlapping glyphs, except that the line then wraps only after it grows out of screen.

- Kitty/WezTerm: Scales the glyph to fit it into a single column. (Barely legible.)

I don't even known what to expect. It is indeed a mess over there.

gudzpoz 107 daysReload
I once tried to use sql.js [1] on a static site for full text search. It worked, but the resulting database size for that site was too large for the web, even with things like detail=none and content='' applied, and requiring the user to download a database each time was just no go. (I guess things should work better for sites with less content or those not requiring a trigram tokenizer.)

I switched to Pagefind [2] afterwards before finding out a sql.js-httpvfs [3] fork of sql.js that removes exactly the need to fully download a database (with HTTP range requests). I haven't got the chance to test sql.js-httpvfs out though, but it looks pretty sound and could be much more flexible than Pagefind. (Previously discussed at .)


