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fastily 24 daysReload
Apple layoffs affecting 700 workers, including Apple Car and Micro-LED teams

fastily 32 daysReload
Endlessh-go: a Golang SSH tarpit that traps bots/scanners

fastily 44 daysReload
Maybe it was It’s now at

fastily 60 daysReload
Show HN: Serverless utilities that range from PNG rotation to UUID generation
Hey HN! Wanted to share my privacy-first serverless browser-based utilities (everything runs locally in your browser, there's no backend) that I developed to support my volunteer work with Wikimedia projects and/or for fun. Unlike other sites you might find on Google that offer similar functionality, my tools are legitimately free, open source, respectful of your privacy, and free from ads. Enjoy! :)

fastily 66 daysReload
I believe it was Wine they forked