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eandre 12 daysReload
Encore: Distributed systems runtime for TypeScript, written in Rust

eandre 107 daysReload
Encore CEO here. Thanks for the feedback.

We sell developer productivity and devops automation, and compared to hiring additional engineers Encore is very cheap.

We’ve tried to align our incentives with the needs of our customers, so there are no usage-based or surprise fees when using Encore. The per-seat price may be higher but it’s transparent and predictable.

eandre 214 daysReload
Thanks for the shoutout, happy to answer any questions about Encore if anyone's curious. (I'm the founder.)

eandre 229 daysReload
If you like the concept but prefer Go over Rust for backends, check out Encore [1]. Disclosure: I'm one of the founders.


eandre 285 daysReload
Understanding Go 1.21 generics type inference