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darthdeus 11 daysReload
Author here, sorry about that, I just deployed a fix, should be readable now. If it's not, here's the first few points

- Once you get good at Rust all of these problems will go away - Rust being great at big refactorings solves a largely self-inflicted issues with the borrow checker - Indirection only solves some problems, and always at the cost of dev ergonomics - ECS solves the wrong kind problem - Generalized systems don't lead to fun gameplay - Making a fun & interesting games is about rapid prototyping and iteration, Rust's values are everything but that - Procedural macros are not even "we have reflection at home" - ...

the list corresponds to the titles of sections in the article.

darthdeus 12 daysReload
Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years

darthdeus 226 daysReload
Author of Comfy here, happy to answer any questions :)

A few relevant links:

- website - announcement blog post

darthdeus 226 daysReload

darthdeus 263 daysReload is a source file that you can audit. A binary that has no reproducible build is not auditable even if anyone wanted to.

A single person does not audit all of their dependency tree, but many people do read the source code of some if not many of their dependencies, and as a community we can figure out when something is fishy, like in this case.

But when there are binaries involved, nobody can do anything.

This isn't the same as installing a signed binary from a linux package manager that has a checksum and a verified build system. It's a random binary blob someone made in a way that nobody else can check, and it's just "trust me bro there's nothing bad in it".