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coldblues 7 daysReload
Linux kernel contributor swatted and handcuffed live on stream [video]

coldblues 13 daysReload
I know a few sites, one of them being Spotify, that will lock your account based on "suspicious activity", lie that your password is invalid, and force you to reset your password.

coldblues 17 daysReload
Yubikeys are useless when someone can reset your password or 2FA using personally identifiable information that was just leaked. A lot of us who practice good security will be PWNED through large scale data leaks. Whenever I sign up, I sign up with fake information, and so should you. Most services will not KYC you, so just lie.

25 daysReload

coldblues 29 daysReload
I would recommend

As an outliner, and being block-based, I think it's more suitable for Zettelkasten and generally atomic notes.

Progress on the `master` branch is a bit slow because there's a transition towards using a database instead of the filesystem