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arkohut 6 daysReload
Thanks for sharing that.They are quite similar. But I found that this project is focusing on searching text. Pensive also enable vlm integration which can search contents without text.

arkohut 7 daysReload
I don’t record audio because I believe this is already a built-in feature in many meeting software applications.

arkohut 7 daysReload
I gave a bad name "memos" for the project. But there is a great open source project named "memos" over there. So I quickly changed the name to "Pensieve". Sorry for giving such confusing...

arkohut 7 daysReload
In fact, this project is indeed very computing-consuming, but it’s not Python’s fault. The main reason lies in the use of several machine learning models:

  1. OCR model
  2. Embedding model
  3. VLM model (optional)
I’ve tried many optimization approaches to ensure it doesn’t affect daily usage, though this comes at the cost of reduced search performance.