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andrei-akopian 11 hoursReload
MetaBrainz Foundation – music, art, and book metadata

andrei-akopian 7 daysReload
Check out this media bias chart.

Hint: though some search features are paid etc. There is raw data in JSON format in the raw HTML code.

Also check

Google News works decent.

My problem is that very few media are right leaning, so bias meditation via counterweight is impossible.

andrei-akopian 10 daysReload
> Note: I've had this post drafted for 3 YEARS!!! It's finally time to publish it.

Did you say that just so we could imagine the world where you published it earlier?

Thanks anyway, and nice site!

andrei-akopian 11 daysReload
I though he would try to net profit through probability by requesting to regenerate the file and hope to get a compressible one in at least 5000/100=50 times. (Though I don't think that would work.)

andrei-akopian 17 daysReload
`curl` to see script without running