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Yawrehto 21 minutesReload
I've heard the idea tossed around - I forget where, I think a Mastodon instance - of limiting the number of users to keep the flood of new people from appearing.

Yawrehto 22 hoursReload
Ah, I used to be that. Now I start gazillions and finish very few. I think it's related to the shift from primarily print books too primarily ebooks. And also how I've been getting into more social media after trying out Mastodon.

Yawrehto 23 hoursReload
So far? It could be (read: is) recency bias, but I recently finished Silent Spring by Rachel Carson and found it fascinating and relevant, although some of the one-off science facts are outdated. I'm planning on reading her other books. I've heard they're much more poetic annd have a nicer subject matter than how we're killing ourselves.

Yawrehto 23 hoursReload
I have several emails, roughly categorizable as "work/personal", "main side email/google account", "notifications from social media sites" and "email tjat doesn't sound like a name". If it's a website verification code or something one-off, 10minutemail or temp-mail could help.

Yawrehto 23 hoursReload