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MrVandemar 22 hoursReload
Like it, but it seems to have some issues.

I submitted a page from my own website, and it advised:

* 10 Warnings. 1 Issue. Improvements Needed

* Incomplete Open Graph tags

* Recommendation: Add og:title, og:description, and og:image for better social sharing

I note that the "10 warnings" are not displayed. It would be nice if they were. And my page has og:title and og:description, so I'm not sure why those in particular are flagged as absent. The og:image is, indeed, absent.

MrVandemar 2 daysReload
The Peanuts Comics Transcription Project

MrVandemar 3 daysReload
"The web we have to save" apparently requires "an account to read the full story."

The mind boggles.

MrVandemar 3 daysReload
Discarded delights: The joy of ex-library books (2021)

MrVandemar 5 daysReload
Fixing Search