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MilnerRoute 2 daysReload
OpenAI's Sam Altman on iPhones, music, training data, and Apple's iPad Ad

MilnerRoute 2 daysReload
The point of the article seem to be that 401(k) plans took the place of pension plans, replacing unending benefits with a finite pool of money.

But they picked a weird way to get that point across. The senior in the article has $200,000 in savings -- but insists on acting like she won't also receive any social security benefits. (And then is worried about her stability, and wishing she had a pension plan.)

The larger point may be valid -- that employers aren't contributing as much as they used to toward their employees' retirements. But that gets into a whole discussion about how the nature of work has changed over the last 40 years...

MilnerRoute 2 daysReload
Corman's autobiography is oddly inspiring. His title? "How I Made A Hundred Movies In Hollywood and Never Lost a Dime."

MilnerRoute 2 daysReload
From the article:

" became too difficult for the state’s asparagus farmers to compete with Mexico, where the daily minimum wage is now about $14 . That's about nine times less than a California worker makes at the current agriculture minimum wage of $16 per hour."

Is that a typo? How does that come out to 9x ?

MilnerRoute 3 daysReload
Here's a URL for the story that doesn't require you to create an account to read it.

That's actually the URL I'd submitted. One of the moderators changed it to the New York Times site (which hides the article unless/until you create an account).