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Eumenes 11 hoursReload
Weight-loss drug found to shrink muscle in mice, human cells

Eumenes 24 hoursReload
I'm not a strong person and can move around a 55 gallon barrel super easily with these dollys:

I can also drain it in < 5 mins with a cheap siphon (I let it drain into a sump basin). So swapping it out every few months is easy.

But I agree, a RO filter is great, esp for everyday use.

One concern I have with rain water barrel is how its collected. If you have an asphalt roof, there is some nasty stuff in it, and not sure if boiling helps in that situation. Need to do more research there. But its a great idea for watering a garden/yard.

Eumenes 1 daysReload
Yeah these people graduating from boot camps are super naive from my experience. Every single project is a ruby on rails twitter clone. Yawn. What happened to doing something novel or applying code to a personal interest? If you love to hike or bike, make some snazzy app with GIS involved. If you like to tinker with smart home stuff, show me something interesting with arduino or pi.

Eumenes 1 daysReload
> There's also the absolute flood of CS graduates in recent years contributing to the number of applicants. I know governments have been screaming for more STEM graduates, but I suspect the numbers are far higher than what is actually required.

Alot of these grads want fancy silicon valley free lunch ping pong jobs. Those are super competitive. Cities across the US have plenty of "boring" software jobs - in medical billing software, at insurance companies, at credit unions, for hospitals, in defense, etc. But those aren't in SF bay area or Seattle or NYC or wherever these young people want to live.

Eumenes 2 daysReload
A Photo Appreciation of Star Forts