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CharlesW 10 hoursReload
Electrobun: Cross-platform desktop applications written in TypeScript

CharlesW 17 hoursReload
> An honest question here: is it actually a walled garden you want or is it an extra layer of security that the walled garden provides?

Definitely the latter, with the App Store being is one of many elements of that.

It's that old marketing adage: People don't want to buy a drill, they want to buy the ability to make holes. And really, they want to buy the ability to hang a picture of their family on the living room wall, to install a shelf for their daughter's awards, etc.

CharlesW 1 daysReload
> SwiftUI is mostly great, but Apple platforms only.

Have you seen

CharlesW 4 daysReload
"With this fundraise, we will continue supporting and growing Bluesky’s community, investing in Trust and Safety, and supporting the ATmosphere developer ecosystem. In addition, we will begin developing a subscription model for features like higher quality video uploads or profile customizations like colors and avatar frames. Bluesky will always be free to use — we believe that information and conversation should be easily accessible, not locked down. We won’t uprank accounts simply because they’re subscribing to a paid tier."