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⬅️ Bicameral, Not Homoiconic
kazinator 2 daysReload
Homoiconic has a pretty clear definition. It was coined by someone in reference the property of a specific system, many decades ago. That system stored program definitions in the same form that the programmer entered them in (either just the original character-level text, or some tokenized version of it), allowing the definitions to be recalled at runtime and redefined. He turned "same form" into "homoiconic" with the help of Greek/Latin. It's all in the Wikipedia.

Line numbered BASIC is homoiconic: you can edit any line of code and continue the program.

POSIX shell lets functions be redefined. They can be listed with the set command executed without arguments, and copy-pasted.

In Common Lisp, there is a function called ed, support for which is implementation-defined. If support is available, it is supposed to bring up an editor of some kind to allow a function definition to be edited. That is squarely a homoiconic feature.

Without ed support or anything like it, the implementation does not retain definitions in a way that can be edited; i.e. is not homoiconic. Some Lisps compile everything entered into them; you cannot edit a defun because it has been turned into machine language.

galaxyLogic 2 daysReload
If I understand the gist of this article it goes like ...

1. Scanner divides source-code-string into ordered chunks each with some identifying information, what is the type and content of each chunk.

2. The next stage better NOT be a "Parser" but a "Reader" which assembles the chunks into a well-formed tree-structure thus recognizing which chunks belong togeether in the branches of such trees.

3. Parser then assigns "meaning" to the nodes and branches of the tree produced by Reader, by visiting them. "Meaning" basically means (!) what kind of calculation will be performed on some nodes of the tree.

4. It is beneficial if the programming language has primitives for accessing the output of the reader, so it can have macros that morph the reader-produced tree so it can ask the parser to do its job on such a re-morphed tree.

Did I get it close?

codeflo 2 daysReload
It seems that the Rust macro system is inspired by a similar idea: In the first step (the "reader" in this article's terminology), the source is converted into something called a token tree.

A token tree is not a full parse tree with resolved operator precedence and whatnot. It only has child nodes for bracket pairs ((), [] and {}) and their contents, in part to determine where the macro call ends. Otherwise, it's a flat list of tokens that the macro (what this article would call the "parser") can interpret in any way it wants.

kibwen 2 daysReload
I liked the first half of the article, but I'm not sure I got anything from the second half. As the author notes, in order to be useful a definition must exclude something, and the "bicameral" distinction doesn't seem to exclude anything; even Python eventually gets parsed into a tree. Conceptually splitting out "parsing" into "tree validation" and "syntax validation" is slightly interesting (although isn't this now a tricameral system?), but in practice it just seems like a simple aid to constructing DSLs.

> These advantages are offset by one drawback: some people just don’t like them. It feels constraining to some to always write programs in terms of trees, rather than more free-form syntax.

I think this is misdiagnosing why many people are averse to Lisp. It's not that I don't like writing trees; I love trees for representing data. But I don't think that thinking of code as data is as intuitive or useful as Lisp users want me to think it is, despite how obviously powerful the notion is.

Karellen 2 daysReload
I thought part of the beauty of homoiconicity, which doesn't seem to be mentioned here, is not just that it's natural to interpret tokens as code, but that it's possible to interpret the code of the program that's currently running as tokens, and manipulate them as you would any other data in the program?