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⬅️ The Last Viridian Note (2008)
euroderf 1 daysReload
Any time I read about how a mass market "should" do this or that for the environment, I am reminded of this Viridian manifesto:

Eco-friendly products that succeed in the marketplace "get it":

"Civil society does not respond at all well to moralistic scolding. [..] However, contemporary civil society can be led anywhere that looks attractive, glamorous and seductive. The task at hand is therefore basically an act of social engineering. Society must become Green, and it must be a variety of Green that society will eagerly consume."

Modified3019 1 daysReload
If like me you’re someone with no prior idea of what this guy was talking about, the first 1/3rd it going to be hard to get through.

However the latter 2/3rd talking about how to approach what items to remove or retain in your life is pretty solid and worth a browse.

In fact the following is pretty much what I’ve been doing this past month:

>You will need to divide your current possessions into four major categories.

>Beautiful things.

>Emotionally important things.

>Tools, devices, and appliances that efficiently perform a useful function.

>Everything else. "Everything else" will be by far the largest category. Anything you have not touched, or seen, or thought about in a year – this very likely belongs in "everything else."

>You should document these things. Take their pictures, their identifying makers' marks, barcodes, whatever, so that you can get them off eBay or Amazon if, for some weird reason, you ever need them again. Store those digital pictures somewhere safe – along with all your other increasingly valuable, life-central digital data. Back them up both onsite and offsite.

dang 1 daysReload
Related. Others?

The Last Viridian Note (2008) - - Nov 2022 (5 comments)

Bruce Sterling: The Last Viridian Note - - Dec 2008 (1 comment)

pronoiac 1 daysReload
As the credit's left to the end: this was written by Bruce Sterling.

brudgers 4 daysReload