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⬅️ Developing nations blast $300B COP29 climate deal as insufficient
rdm_blackhole 12 hoursReload
I don't mean this in bad way but these COP conferences really don't make sense.

Each time we have the leaders on every country saying that this time for real they are going to stick with the plan and lower their emissions. Yet according to this link: The progress on the already agreed targets has been lacking.

It's like having a meeting about a project whose deadline was 3 weeks ago and having your team tell you that the new deadline 2 days from now will for sure be met this time.

Countries keep agreeing to new targets that are even more ambitious than the previous unmet targets. It's not as if just publishing the new targets will make the old targets much more achievable.

Make it make sense.

croes 11 hoursReload
Less than half the US military budget

dosinga 13 hoursReload
" $300 billion annually by 2035" to me 300 sounds pretty good. But that's a long time