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I think a pretty well thought out approach to this is the mp-units library in c++ that uses the ISQ(International System of Quantities) [1].
There are some great blog posts on their site about modeling units systems and dimensions. Fingers crossed it may even be added to the standard library in C++29.
Doing it within an existing type system is more trouble than it’s worth: the algebra of units is simple, but it doesn’t apply to other types without stretching the compiler. It is far easier to have a distinct subsystem with measure types specifically identified.
There is even native support for reading dimensioned values from input files, so your user can specify "speed 12.7 [ft/s]" irrespective of what units you use internally in the code processing that input file. It just gets converted (or throws an error).
See e.g. this, from 4.2.6 onwards:
On the Haskell Discourse [0], someone posted about another Haskell library, units [1], which allows to define unit systems NOT limited to the 7 physical dimensions. For example, adding a base dimension for currency would be nice to model electricity prices in currency per energy.