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⬅️ Electrobun: Cross-platform desktop applications written in TypeScript
throwaway888abc 3 hoursReload
"...and cross-platform desktop applications" the homepage says

But, Sadly, this is mac only[0] no windows or linux ? Do I understand it correctly ?


Carrok 5 hoursReload
Why do so many projects fail to include any screenshots at all?

Maybe the authors don't think it's necessary, but step 3 under `Getting Started` is called `Creating UI`. Why would they not show what the result of the tutorial looks like?

kookamamie 3 hoursReload
> Ship updates to your users that are tiny

What about the users that are medium or large?

veidr 7 hoursReload
So this aspires to be something like Tauri, but with Zig for the fast/native bits, and leaning harder on and more opinionated about the frontend/UI part?

That's a pretty interesting proposal, but also a staggeringly huge amount of work.

mdaniel 7 hoursReload
Bold choice: (that text appears right next to "macOS (arm)")

Given that, I was curious how their workflows folder looked but, well, that answers that question: