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Someone had an issue because SQLite failed to optimize the following query
select * from t where x = 'x' or '' = 'x'
Someone said that SQLite could not optimize out the "or '' = 'x'" because it would be too expensive to compute. Which is obviously true only for huge queries on tiny datasets.
This kind of phenomenon is known in category theory as a "lifting property", and there's rich theory around it. For example, you can show in great generality that there's always a "free" way to add data to a database D so that it satisfies the lifting property (the orthogonal reflection construction/the small object argument). Those are the theoretical underpinnings of the Datalog engine I'm sometimes working on [1], and there they allow you to prove that Datalog evaluation is also well-defined if you allow adjoining new elements during evaluation in a controlled way. I believe the author of this post is involved in the egglog project [2], which might have similar features as well.
[1] [2]