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⬅️ SQL, Homomorphisms and Constraint Satisfaction Problems
mbid 16 hoursReload
The post mentions the idea that querying a database D can be understood algebraically as enumerating all morphisms Q -> D, where Q is the "classifying" database of the query, i.e. a minimal database instance that admits a single "generic" result of the query. You can use this to give a neat formulation of Datalog evaluation. A Datalog rule then corresponds a morphism P -> H, where P is the classifying database instance of the rule body and H is the classifying database instance for matches of both body and head. For example, for the the transitivity rule

  edge(x, z) :- edge(x, y), edge(y, z).
you'd take for P the database instance containing two rows (a_1, a_2) and (a_2, a_3), and the database instance H contains additionally (a_1, a_3). Now saying that a Database D satisfies this rule means that every morphism P -> D (i.e., every match of the premise of the rule) can be completed to a commuting diagram

  P --> D
  |    ^
  |   /
  ⌄  /
where the additional map is the arrow Q -> D, which corresponds to a match of both body and head.

This kind of phenomenon is known in category theory as a "lifting property", and there's rich theory around it. For example, you can show in great generality that there's always a "free" way to add data to a database D so that it satisfies the lifting property (the orthogonal reflection construction/the small object argument). Those are the theoretical underpinnings of the Datalog engine I'm sometimes working on [1], and there they allow you to prove that Datalog evaluation is also well-defined if you allow adjoining new elements during evaluation in a controlled way. I believe the author of this post is involved in the egglog project [2], which might have similar features as well.

[1] [2]

babel_ 17 hoursReload
For anyone curious: the performance difference between Clang and GCC on the example C solution for verbal arithmetic comes down to Clang's auto-vectorisation (deducing SIMD) whilst GCC here sticks with scalar, which is why the counter brings Clang closer in line to GCC (, and it's actually a pretty nice example of auto-vectorisation (and its limitations) in action, which is a fun tangent from this article (given its relevance to high-performance SMT/SAT solving for CSP)

pcblues 4 hoursReload
When SQL can't internally optimise a query into a more efficient constraint problem, unrolling joins is the key. This once MSSQL hacker got to the point of optimising queries with large amounts of joins or CTEs to just populating a single table's columns with one query per one to a few columns at a time (two minute locking queries down to about two seconds.) After that, I started using SQL to generate SQL and run that for really curly requirements. That gives you the ability to write queries that can search for a particular value in any column in any table, or find changes in the past 5 minutes in any column in any table within a fairly quick timeframe. And that's great for debugging applications that interface with the database or identifying rogue table changes. Without needing a transaction log. Programmer's paradise :)

lovasoa 15 hoursReload
The topic of huge queries on tiny databases makes me think of this recent discussion on the SQLite forum:

Someone had an issue because SQLite failed to optimize the following query

    select * from t where x = 'x' or '' = 'x'
Someone said that SQLite could not optimize out the "or '' = 'x'" because it would be too expensive to compute. Which is obviously true only for huge queries on tiny datasets.