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⬅️ Show HN: A People Search Engine with Face Recognition
cosmotic 5 daysReload
Using biometric data without permission may be illegal. Facebook was sued in Illinois over this.

sfmz 5 daysReload
I think you need a FAQ.

In the FAQ you could explain how its not going to be a useful tool for stalkers because that's where my mind goes, maybe I watch too many DateLines.

dgfitz 5 daysReload
> The Problem: Researching individuals - whether for hiring or personalizing outreach

So you're helping people profile others based on how they look? Aren't we trying to move away from that?

matteason 5 daysReload
How much have you investigated the legality of this? In the EU biometric data is 'special category data' under the GDPR [0] and can only be processed in very limited circumstances unless you have the consent of the data subject [1]



popalchemist 4 daysReload
Though novel, this is pretty unethical.