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⬅️ The Fastest Redis Ever
marklubi 8 hoursReload
This sort of makes me sad. Redis has strayed from what its original goal/purpose was.

I’ve been using it since it was in beta. Simple, clear, fast.

The company I’m working for now keeps trying to add more and more functionality using Redis, that doesn’t belong in Redis, and then complains about Redis scaling issues.

pcthrowaway 2 hoursReload
The inclusion of Redis timeseries is huge!

This was available for a long time as an extension as part of Redis Stack, but most hosted Redis providers don't make extensions available (I'm assuming due to nuances in Redis's not-quite-open licensing).

If cloud providers which include Redis are now going to include this, it opens up a lot of potential for my use case.

untech 1 hoursReload
I thought people stopped using Redis and moved on to a fork because of licensing issues. Is this true?