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With the history of reading and speaking (Indian) phonetic languages, I think, English would've been much nicer and uniform if the vowels sounded right, esp the long forms.
Extending the long forms using orthogonal vowels probably made it complex, especially with the lack of ii and uu.
Say for instance, to extend the long form of "o", "a" was used. Eg: boat, goat. The correct spelling could've been boot, with the original boot spelled as buut.
With that notion, door is probably the only word that's written and pronounced phonetically correct, with two oo.
Curious to know how would such correct phonetic translation aid in the encoding, matching and compression.
One way to start playing around with it is to put some stuff in a database:
(or this module, if you're stuck with PG)
Another example is poetry. A regex can find rhymes in Polish. Same postfix == it rhymes.
In English it's a feat of engineering.
Also, the matches for "sorI" and "sorY" would seem to me to misinterpret the words as having a vowel at the end, rather than a silent vowel. If you're using data meant for foreign surnames, the rules of which may differ from English and which might have silent vowels be very rare depending on the original language, of course you may mispronounce English words like this, saying both shore and sure as "sore-ee".
I'm sure there are much better ways to transcribe orthography to phonetics, probably people have published libraries that do it. From some googling, it seems like some people call this type of library a phonemic transcriber or IPA transcriber.